English for Pre-Intermediate

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Questions With And Without Auxiliary Verbs

Questions in English language can be made with or without auxiliaries.
Questions with auxiliaries
To make questions in the present simple and past simple, we normally should use do/does (for present simple) and did (for past simple). These auxiliaries in questions have to be followed by the subject and a verb.
Question + Auxiliary + Subject + Verb
-          What food do you like? NOT: What food you like?
-          Which DVD did he buy?
Questions without auxiliaries
When a question word (such us Who? What? Which? How many?) is the subject of the verb in the question, we don’t use an auxiliary
-          Who (subject) called (verb) you last night on the phone?
-          Who drives your car? (of course I have a driver … my driver drives the car)
-          What happened after the earthquake?

Here are some exercises if you want to do more practice:

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