English for Pre-Intermediate

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Past Simple - Regular & Irregular Verbs

To make the past tense form of most verbs (regular verbs) we add "ed" at the end.  

Example:  I walked to the shops.

Irregular verbs are not that simple.  Sometimes it is helpful to use a dictionary when writing the past tense form of irregular verbs.

Example: We saw the dog at the park yesterday.

Changes these sentences so the verbs are in the past tense form.  The first sentence has been completed for you.

1.  I did all my homework in the study hall.        (do)
2.  She _________ of a better way to do it.      (think)
3.  Sam ________ us to lock the doors.           (remind)
4.  They ________ their names on the list.         (put)
5.  Who ________ my new shoes?                   (borrow)
6.  We never ________ his real name.              (know)

ANSWERS: 2 - thought, 3 - reminded, 4 - put, 5 - borrowed, 6 - knew

For more exercises, go to this link - it should take no more than 5 minutes to complete.


Any comments, questions? Yes, please do!